General Terms of Use

This document includes the binding rules and conditions of use of the websites,, and These websites are operated by an individual, Tomas Seifert, ID 01542095, and these General Terms of Use must be observed by everyone who wants to use these websites or already uses them. The operation of the, and is subject to the laws in force in the Czech Republic.

Notice for All Users:

(Individuals and companies):

  1. Terms Used:

Server or Website = the web portal or,, and, which you use, and any Internet services provided by this portal. Interconnected Server = a Server operated by a third person. Administrator or We (Us, Our) = the owner of the Server or a person authorised to administer it. General Terms of Use = this document. Data or Post = any Data input or action made by the User on the Website. User = anybody who has access and enters the Server. Buyer = User, a person interested in a product or service. Seller = User, a person selling goods or services. Topping = a term that means highlighting of an advertisement and placing it in the fore compared to other advertisements.

  1. General:

The Server Operator is the authorized operator and the Server Administrator (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator). Within the services of operation of the Server, the Administrator provides services that allow Users to enter textual and image Data (hereinafter referred to as Data) on the Server. The services provided by the Server allow the Users to insert, edit, display, send, play, delete or otherwise work with this Data. When using individual services, the Server may use the services of the Connected Servers, which are third-party servers, and present their offer here. Thus, the services make it easier for the User to access other servers as well.
A User of the Server is any person that uses the Server and which accepted these General Terms of Use of this Server when using the services provided by this Server or any person who registers and/or has already registered in accordance with these General Terms of Use in connection with the use of any particular Service of the Server.
The precondition for access to or use of the services of the Server is the User's agreement to these General Terms of Use. A User who, prior to the publication of these General Terms of Use, have gave their consent to any previously applied general terms of use and continues to log in with reference to the General Terms of Use mentioned above shall be deemed to agree with these valid and amended General Terms of Use. We ask each User to spend their time by reading these General Terms of Use at least once a week to check their any potential changes or amendments.
By accepting these General Terms of Use, the User agrees with them and agrees with all their provisions.
When using the services provided by the Server, the User is obliged to provide only a valid email address and/or other Data required by the Administrator which is not of a personal nature, is not in conflict with Act no. 101/2000 Coll., on the Protection of Personal Data, and which is necessary for the inclusion of the Data in the appropriate category. All rules of the Server are subject to the laws of the Czech Republic. Users of other countries must be aware that the use of the services provided by the Server is subject to the laws of the Czech Republic.
There are certain instructions and restrictions on the Data that the User uploads to the Server. These instructions and restrictions include: entering Data truthfully and completely, especially as for the description of goods that the User enters or has already entered, disclosing immediately any change of Data, avoiding entering Data related to any goods acquired from criminal activities, avoiding committing crime or offences under the laws of the Czech Republic, avoiding entering Data related to erotica or Data including vulgarisms or Data on drugs, and avoiding entering Data with offers of services and/or goods not related to the sale of motor vehicles and accessories and services not related to this topic. An exception is the offer of services listed on the Server in the Services section. These are car repair shops, car rentals, car transport, car financing, and vehicle insurance companies. The User is obliged to respect these instructions.

The Administrator reserves their right to delete any offer from any User that does not comply with these General Terms of Use. The User shall be blocked in case of repeated violation of these General Terms of Use.

The User must not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, perform, reproduce, publish, license, transfer, or sell any information, software, products or services obtained from the Server or create derivative works from them. The User is not entitled to use the services of the Server for any purposes contrary to the laws of the Czech Republic and these General Terms of Use. The User may not use the Server's services in a manner that could damage, disable, overload, or impair the functionality of the Servers operated by the Administrator.
The User may also use the Server services in such a way that it does not harm the Administrator's partners, such as interconnected servers or advertisements of companies, or that it does not interfere with the use of these Servers or Server services by other persons. The User may not in any way obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information relating to the services of the Server that are not (have not been) publicly made available or provided through the Servers operated by the Administrator.
The User hereby agrees that the services of the Server may include links to other web Servers (hereinafter referred to as Linked Servers). Linked Servers are not controlled by the Administrator, who is not responsible for the content of any Linked Server, or for the content on the Websites of Linked Servers, or for any changes or updates to the Linked Servers. The Administrator is not responsible for webcasting or any other form of transmissions received from any Linked Server. The inclusion of these links in the services of the Server does not mean that the Administrator approves the content of these Servers.
No personal Data is collected on this Server, as defined in Act no. 101/2000 Coll., on Protection of Personal Data, and GDPR. The contact link is only the User's email address, or telephone number and address, which will be disclosed. However, the address and telephone number are not mandatory for entering the offer, and therefore it is up to the User to decide what Data to enter and disclose. In this way, it is not possible to rule out the possibility of manipulating the Data entered by Users. At the User's request (even without giving a reason), their entered Data will be deleted from the public part of the Website. The Administrator declares that they reserve their right to keep Data on the User's activities on the Servers, so that they can later comply with any requests from state administration bodies for their provision. An exception is the offer of services listed on the Server in the services section. These are car repair shops, car rentals, car transport, car financing, insurance. The user is obliged to respect these instructions.

    1. Disclaimer and Indemnification:

We cannot guarantee the legality, truthfulness, accuracy, completeness, timeliness or compliance of the User's Posts with these General Terms on Use, and therefore We do not bear any responsibility for all User’s Posts on the Website, as well as all other actions of the User related to it and towards others.
As We cannot guarantee the complete truthfulness, timeliness, and accuracy of the Data provided on the Website, We are not responsible for its content and We are also not liable for any damage or harm caused by the User’s or anyone's trust in such content or Posts.
Any User's Posts mean an expression of the User’s personal opinion, not Our opinion, and represent the User's actions; therefore the User is directly and exclusively personally responsible for their Posts. By using the Website, the User agrees and undertakes to indemnify the Administrator in full if the Administrator incurs any damage or harm as a result of any User's Post, regardless of the amount and whether the User acted intentionally or negligently and/or regardless of whether the User caused the damage alone or in collaboration with others etc.

We are not liable for any damage or harm that may be caused to the User or others in connection with the use of the Website or services.
We are not responsible for any missing content of the User’s Posts or for any missing individual Post. The Service is provided "as is" and We are not responsible for its continued or uninterrupted operation, faultless operation and provision of the services or for any interruption or termination of the services at any time or forever; all of these We may do so at any time with immediate effect, without giving any reason, even without notice.

  1. Prices:

€ and CZK
The price(s) for each item on the, and is/are automatically recalculated according to the bank Data for the selling price in € or CZK. The conversion factor is the selling price in € or CZK. It is NOT the value of the mid-rate of the currency pair. Then the price is rounded to a whole number. Therefore, the final price may differ slightly from the actual price. We recommend each Buyer to inquire about the exact price at the Seller.

  1. Payments:

Private Users shall pay for advertisements and their topping using a payment gateway of Global Payments Europe s.r.o. It is also possible to use other currencies than CZK when paying through a payment gateway. Payments are to be made through the Websites,, or through, where you will be redirected to Global Payments Europe s.r.o gateway. In the event that the User ascertains any request for payment and entry of Data for a payment gateway to be suspicious, they may contact the Administrator directly by email or may contact Global Payments Europe s.r.o.
Warning: if the request for payment is from a different source than,, and, it may be an attempt for a fraud. Be careful. The Administrator bears no responsibility for any suspicious or fraudulent acts connected in any way with the name of the Websites,, and To give an example: you will be invited by an email to enter your payment details on a Website that may look similarly, and or or the Website name may look,, and or the name of the sender of the email that requests your payment may be similar for example, and and
Do not pay or provide card details if you are unsure and please contact Global Payments Europe s.r.o. or the Administrator.

Corporate Users receive invoices for payment as standard. In the Service section, corporate Users can either use the payment gateway or use sending of invoices from the Administrator. Corporate Users have the opportunity to enter into a marketing service agreement with the Administrator.

  1. Rating of Other Users Made by the User:

A User who is registered can rate the quality of another User's services and goods with 1 up to 5 stars. 1 star is the lowest rating and 5 is the highest. Each User always has 1 valid vote for repeated rating. When evaluating another User, the User’s rating in the previous rating shall be cancelled and the rating passes to another User.

  1. Cookie Policy:

When browsing the Server, We record your IP address, how long you stay on the Website, which Website you come from and if you come thanks to one of Our affiliated partners. We view the use of cookies to measure Website traffic, affiliation, and customization of the display of Websites as Our legitimate interest of the Administrator, as We believe that thanks to this We can offer you even better services.

    1. Who Do We Use for Data Processing:

We use the services of by Google Inc., based at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. The cookies collected are then processed by Google Inc. in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp services operated by Facebook Inc., based at 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA and Dublin, Ireland for European management.
The cookies collected are then processed by Facebook Inc. in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

  1. Registration and Storno/Cancel:

Registration is not mandatory. A profile is generated for every User after their registration. After registration, the User can insert their advertisement, work with it in various ways, and view advertisements of other Users. The User can view the offers of others without registration. The User bears the responsibility for the access password and name during registration, particularly whether these names and passwords are sufficiently secure. We recommend to create the name and password using at least 6 characters so that they contain a combination of numbers and letters and then so that it is not easy to decipher the combinations.

7.1 Cancellation conditions:

Everyone has the right to withdraw from all conditions. Ask the Administrator to cancel the registration on the Server or you can delete all your offers and terminate the activity on the Server.

7.1.1 Cancellation of paid service:

You can request a Cancellation and a refund within 1 hour of paying for the service on the Server. Write a request to and enter your payment ID in the email. A summary of payments is available close to your ad. The administrator will assess your request and you will be informed of the outcome of the assessment of the request within 7 days of receiving the request.

  1. Privacy Policy:

We value the trust that the User gives us in providing their personal Data. We therefore strive to use the User's personal Data in a manner that is fair and transparent. We want the User to understand how their personal Data will be used and give them a chance to consider providing it. This Privacy Policy shall explain to the User how the personal Data they provide to Us will be used by the Server. Furthermore, it shall explain how the personal Data will be processed and protected and also what are the possibilities of the User in connection with this.

This Privacy Policy is considered to fulfil the notification duty of the operator – an individual, Tomáš Seifert, ID No. 01542095, with its registered office at Mikolase Alse 1894, Nymburk 28802,Czech republic in relation to Data subjects within the meaning of Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

This Privacy Policy forms an integral part of the General Terms of Use and their provisions adequately apply to it.

8.1 Introduction:

The purpose of Our Websites is to enable Users to communicate publicly or in closed groups, to publish and disseminate their views and experiences on the Internet through evaluations, to promote civic advertising, and to offer relevant commercial information.

8.2 Data that We process:

8.2.1 Registration and Profile Data:

When registering on the Server, We will require the User's login password and email address. In certain cases (e.g. when releasing an advertisement) We will also request additional Data from the User, e.g. the location for the purpose of selling the goods. The provision of this Data is essential for the complete provision of offers on the Server.

However, without registration, i.e. without providing this Data, the User can view the Website, but cannot use all the options on the Website that We offer, in particular the User cannot create and Post their own content on the Website.

8.2.2 Data in Posts:

Due to the nature of the Internet, We are not responsible for the security or protection of Data that the User publishes on the Website and/or provides to others via the Internet, email messages, etc.; in the same way, and We bear no responsibility for controlling the Data and how others use Data obtained from the User. Therefore, the User should always be careful in selecting the Data that they are going to provide about themselves.

8.2.3 User Data:

Even during normal browsing on Our Website without registration and/or after logging in, We collect various technical Data from visitors of the Website, which is automatically recorded using various tools such as webblogs, cookies, etc. The Data We collect in this way through Our Website includes in particular:

  • the browser used by the User;

  • the Internet address from which the User entered the Website;

  • the operating system of the User's device (computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc.);

  • the way the User uses Our Website.

This Data is technically necessary for Us to help the User display Our Website, ensure its stability and security and adapt its content to the current needs of the User.

The User can read more about cookies and how they can set them or turn them off in their Internet browser.

We use a standard solution for anonymous measuring of traffic in our Website:

8.3 How We May Use User’s Data

8.3.1 Provision of Services

We process the Data provided by the User primarily for the purpose of providing the services themselves on the Website on the basis of Article 6 (1) (b) of GDPR (see the pre-contractual measures at the request of the person concerned (data subject) and subsequent performance of the contract to which that person is one of the contractual parties), which includes in particular:

  • enabling the User's communication on the Website with other Users and full use of the Website;

  • creating, maintaining and managing the User's profile that the User may create on the Website;

  • entering the User’s advertisements and searching in other offers;

  • informing about any activities on the Website that concerns the User (for example responses to the User's advertisements or answers to the User's questions, newly received message, etc.).

8.3.2 Improving the Website, Protection of Users and Us

Because we have a legitimate interest in improving this Website, maintaining our relationship with the User and protecting the User and other Users, we can also use information about the User on the basis of Article 6 (1) of GDPR (i.e. the legitimate interest of the operator) for the following purposes:

  • improving the design of the Website and optimizing its content, functions, and services provided on the Website;

  • informing about our new products and services;

  • providing notifications on changes to the Website, the General Terms of Use, this Privacy Policy, and other terms that apply to our Website;

  • supervising completion of legal and ethical requirements relating to the content of published Posts of Users of the Website;

  • enforcing our General Terms of Use of the Website and detection of their violation;

  • detecting, preventing and/or resolving frauds and/or other unlawful behaviour on the Website, including using for the purposes of investigation and prosecution by competent authorities.

Therefore, we may send news and notifications regarding operation and updates of Our Website, also regarding notifications related to the User's use of the Website (for example, notifications in case of violation of the General Terms of Use, etc.) to the User's email box the address of which the User disclosed on the Website.

8.4 Marketing

8.4.1. Advertising on the Website

Our Website also includes advertising offers from third parties. As we have a legitimate interest in providing such advertisements that are relevant, interesting, and personal for the User, We use the User Data on the basis of Article 6 (1) (f) of GDPR (i.e. the legitimate interest of the operator) also for the following purposes:

  • monitoring the User's activities during their use of the Website;

  • surveying the User's behaviour on the Website and the way they use it;

  • displaying targeted advertisements, offers, and other marketing communication and their forwarding, if requested so, to the User's email box the address of which the User disclosed on the Website;

  • measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of advertising.

In order to display advertisement, we need to be part of official advertisement networks. These are serious partners who only have information about the User's browser (which means that they do not see who the User, as an individual, is) and are under international supervision. These companies are (we also include the tools to turn off personalized advertising):

You can check your settings for all other advertisement networks, even those you won't find on our Website, at your internet browser settings.

Additional Data for marketing purposes
If additional Data is needed to run a certain function (for example for marketing purposes), we will ask the User for explicit consent in advance on the basis of Article 6 (1) (a) of GDPR (i.e. the Data subject's consent to the processing their personal Data). If the User has subscribed to receive newsletters including advertisements, offers, and other marketing communications to the User's email address, each such email shall include a link that the User can at their discretion use to unsubscribe from the newsletter. For more information on the possibility to revoke the User's consent see below.

8.5 How Long Do We Keep Data

8.5.1. Data Retention Period

We store the User’s registration and profile Data for the duration of the User's registration on our Website. The User acknowledges that we retain a backup copy of the User's Data in our system (not visible to the public) for a period of 3 years from the end of the User's registration the purpose of which is to detect or resolve any illegal behaviour on our Website and protect other Users (i.e. for evidentiary purposes).

The User may terminate the processing of registration and profile Data at any time by cancelling their registration on Our Website in the "Settings" section – i.e. the User withdraws from the contract in the sense of the General Terms of Use. This will result in the deletion of personal Data from the User profile on our Website – the Data will no longer be publicly available. Even the texts of the Posts do not remain on Our Website, because that is the essence of the Server, the up-to-dateness of the offers. However, during the registration period, the User has the option to delete their Posts so that they do not appear publicly.

8.5.2 Withdrawal of Consent:

We retain personal Data, the processing of which is based on the User's consent, for the period of validity of the consent granted by the User. The User may also revoke their consent granted for marketing purposes by clicking on the appropriate link in each email newsletter. If this is not possible, the User may send their request by email to the Administrator. In the event the User withdraws their consent, we will immediately terminate the retention of the relevant personal Data and delete it, unless there is another legal basis for further processing of the Data. Withdrawal of consent will not affect lawfulness of retention of personal Data based on consent prior to its revocation.

8.5.3 Provision and Publication of Data:

We also process the User's personal Data through intermediaries, which are mainly entities providing the following services:

Web hosting

Website content management

Website development

Evaluation of traffic and using the functions of the Website

Securing delivery of prizes, goods (courier services)

We share anonymized Data (i.e. Data based on which it is not possibly to identify a specific person) with advertisement networks and also with providers of statistical measurements.

Given that the level of protection of personal Data within the EU Member States has been unified by the adoption of the GDPR, the User's personal Data will be adequately protected.

User’s Posts that the User publishes on our Website may be collected by Internet search engines, such as Google, Seznam, etc. The User may also allow other Websites, such as Facebook, to access any User’s Data and publish it on their Website, including the User’s Posts on our Website.

8.5 Security of Personal Data:

8.5.1 Security Measures:

We undertake to properly store all personal and other Data provided by the User to Us, in accordance with the most stringent security standards. We will treat all Data in accordance with the rules set out in this Privacy Policy and in accordance with applicable legal regulations, in particular GDPR.

Our Website provides several levels of security. We have implemented software and hardware security systems, including a firewall and Data encryption, designed to protect the User's Personal Data from unauthorized access. Despite our efforts, however, no system can provide an absolute guarantee that there will never be unauthorized access to the User's personal Data, and by using this Website the User represents that they are willing to accept this risk.

8.5.2. Our Responsibility:

Our Website may contain links to Websites operated by third parties. We are neither responsible for any information provided by such Websites nor for any services or products that they offer. Use of such Websites, including the provision of personal Data by the User, is at the User's own risk. We therefore recommend that the User checks thisPrivacy Policy (and possibly other conditions) of such Websites before using them for the first time.

8.5.3 Links to Other Websites:

Our Website may contain links to Websites operated by third parties. We are neither responsible for any information provided by such Websites nor for any services or products that they offer. Use of such Websites, including the provision of personal Data by the User, is at the User's own risk. We therefore recommend that the User checks this Privacy Policy (and possibly other conditions) of such Websites before using them for the first time.

8.6 Rights and Options of the User:

In connection with the personal Data of the User that We store, the User has the following rights and options. If you want to exercise any of these rights, please contact Us by email.

8.6.1 Right of Access to Data:

The User may ask Us to confirm that We store their personal Data and access to them in compliance with Article 15 of GDPR.

8.6.2 Right to Correct and Supplement Data:

The User may correct, supplement, and update their personal Data in their User Profile on Our Website at any time after logging in using the "Settings" section marked with a Plus (+). We recommend the User to do it immediately after any change in their Data. If the User has any problems with updating their Data, they may contact us.

8.6.3 Right to Erase Data:

The User may request erasing of their personal Data if any of the reasons of Article 17 of GDPR occurs.

8.6.4 Right to Restrict Data Processing:

Furthermore, the User may request restriction on the processing of their personal Data in the cases specified in Article 18 of GDPR.

8.6.5 Right to Data Portability:

The Data provided by the User to Us on the basis of their consent and which We process by automated means may be transferred by the User from/to another organization, if technically possible.

8.6.6 Right to Object:

The User may object to the retention and processing of their personal Data, which is carried out on a legal basis and in legitimate interest, on grounds relating to their specific situation. In the event of such an objection, we will cease to retain the User's personal Data, unless there is an unavoidable legitimate reason for its further storage or reasons for proving, asserting, or defending legal claims.

The User may also object to the processing of their personal Data for direct marketing purposes, including profiling. In the event of such objection, We will stop processing the User's personal Data for such purposes.

8.6.7 Right to Lodge a Complaint:

If the User suspects that We have violated any legal regulations on personal Data protection, they may file a complaint to the Data protection authority, which is Úřad na ochranu osobních údajů, Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Praha 7 (

8.6.8 Change to the Privacy Policy:

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time (particularly in the event of legal or technological changes, for example if we add new features to the Website or change the existing ones). The latest and most up-to-date version of the Privacy Policy will always be published on the Website, including its effective date. If the User uses our Website after the effective date of such changes, we believe that the User has familiarized themselves with the changes of the Privacy Policy and its current version valid at the time of use of the Website.

8.6.9 Contact:

If the User has any questions related to this Privacy Policy, feel free to contact us at

If you would like to discuss any problems with us in more detail or if you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  1. Rules:

9.1 General:

Notice for all Users (individuals and companies as well):

The rules below form an integral part of the operating conditions. Adherence to them is mandatory for anyone who wants to advertise on the Website. In the event of any breach of the rules, the Administrators are entitled to reject or delete advertisements and the User’s account, or to prevent access to the Server (for example by blocking the User’s registration, e-mail address, or IP address). Therefore, we recommend all advertisers to read and observe the rules carefully.

9.2 Behave Fairly and Observe Laws:

Decency and compliance with laws and other regulations is obvious – please avoid offensive statements, settling personal scores, promoting various illegal political movements and all other things that are in conflict with the general decency and legal order of the Czech Republic.

9.3 Follow Instructions of the Website Administrators:

The Administrator reserves their right to delete any content of the Website which, in their opinion, is in conflict with the law, decent behaviour or is otherwise inappropriate and/or does not relate to the categories listed on the Server. At the same time, the Administrator reserves their right to deny access to any Users who behave in the above manner or directly violate the rules and operating conditions.

9.4 Advertise Correctly:

9.4.1 Advertise only in Appropriate Sections:

Please insert advertisements and companies only in the corresponding categories. If you can't find a suitable section for your advertisement, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to create a new section advisably. Please note that the corresponding category does not mean a related category – for example, the offer for car insurance does not belong to the passenger car section (this only includes advertisements of individual specific cars).

9.4.2 Advertise Only One Item at a Time:

We also consider any re-insertion of the same or similar advertisement into one category several times in a row to be a violation of the advertising rules.
The Server is designed primarily for private and commercial advertising. Advertisements can also be inserted by companies, but all must respect the rule for inserting offers into the Corporate Offers, not to Private Offers section. Business advertising must be marked as business. Business advertisements must be clearly marked, i.e. the advertising company must have at least a free registration in the Business Directory and must place advertisements as business ones. It is also forbidden to insert the name of the company or a link to its Website in the title of the advertisement. Failure to respect the rules above will result not only in deletion of the advertisement but also in deletion of the User account.

9.4.3 Advertise Only Specific Goods or Services:

It is only allowed to advertise a specific subject or service. Advertise so that the interested party learns the essential information already on the Server. Act transparently. Always provide real contact details. Any suspicious and/or fraudulent advertising is prohibited.

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